Friday, May 1, 2009

File this one under everybody's doing it!

For a year I've been threatening to start a blog. For a self described, (fully clothed) exhibitionist it's a dream come true! I can ramble, rant, repute and regurgitate all kinds of information all from the comfort of my armchair. More fun than a barrel of monkeys (more on that in a future blog).

You can expect to hear from me only when I really have something important to say that won't fit into a tweet (follow me on twitter @clareitycoo). You can also find me on Facebook - the pics you see are better if I know you :) I'm fascinated by this whole Web 2.0 blah blah insert trendy words here craziness. We are ALL now publishers!

Topics you will likely tire of if you subscribe to this blog:

The Geddes Teens - my 2 teenage angels - Logan is 16 going on 7 and Kelsie is 13 going on 30.

All things real estate (especially technology) - I love to follow trends and watch real estate at a local level and the web allows us to watch locally even from thousands of miles away!

My liberal opinions on social issues and my conservative opinions on fiscal issues - yep I'm one of those!

My home town of Baker City and my roots in Boise, ID - two places I LOVED living in and miss a lot sometimes (especially friends and family)

And of course the weather - I love all things warm and sunny so Fountain Hills, AZ is a great place to live.

Still with me? Ok, but you have been warned!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging, my friend! I'm very happy to see more and more of your thoughts, they are always very good. Make sure you have FB update your blog posts. If you want help, let me know.

