Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chaos with occasional bouts of normalcy……

That’s basically how I would describe my life in six words or less. The really funny thing (in a I would cry if I didn’t laugh sort of way) is that I have some how convinced myself that “next week” or “next month” things will slow down and there will be less chaos and more peacefulness. Occasionally that actually happens. Truthfully, most of the time tranquility sneaks up on me in the most unexpected way. Now, I just need to learn to do a much better job of enjoying it when it arrives.

So today the world got a way from me for a bit – I forgot several important things (if you are on Twitter you already know a few but not all). I let myself become completely overwhelmed by seemingly simple tasks. I mean seriously, I can run a company with a team of 22 spread out over 5 states on a daily basis, but I can’t remember to turn the oven off??? I was headed for a full on melt-down by about noon when out of nowhere (ok maybe not nowhere ☺ ) the voice of reason appeared – “maybe you should make a list” – what???? Crazy talk – I don’t need lists- I have a memory like a steel (whadya call that thing again?)

So I acquiesced and started the list. It was pretty amazing to me how easy it was and how much less overwhelmed I felt as I began to believe I could actually get it all done. Bills paid….check, appointment for Trixie at BMW hospital…..check, Optometry appts for all…..check (help from Baby Daddy – thx!), Landscaper to remove tree limbs (and toilet paper in tree limbs) from hanging over my driveway….check, return GPS I accidently walked off with from rental car in DC (not check but it’s still on the list), reschedule Monday workout because I forgot kids were flying out to Baker….check, ortho appt for Geddes teen #2 before her departure to Baker….check. Plan a much needed vacation….check!!!! And the list goes on. I’m starting to understand why I forget things. I’m on memory overload – I need an upgrade much like the one we gave my MAC a few weeks ago.

But then, sometimes forgetting is good – so maybe I don’t want to remember everything. I really just want to remember the good parts – peace, tranquility and what it feels like to just be HAPPY. I’m definitely working on it and I’m confident that with enough practice I will “own” HAPPY. For now, I’m recommitting to the good old fashioned “list” – maybe it all gets done and maybe it doesn’t but it’s nice to know in advance what I’m going to forget ☺