Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy 18th Birthday Kelsie Ann – Welcome to the first day of adulthood!

Good Morning Princess!

Not only is this your first day as a legal adult but today we are packed for the 1100 mile pilgrimage to Arizona State University, where you will embark on what I hope is an adventure you will treasure your whole life.  I’m confident you already knew that you wouldn’t slip out the front door without a handful of advice from the Mothership.

So here we go – the sooner we get through this the sooner we can hit the pool in Vegas (because of course it’s on the way to ASU) and celebrate your birthday!  It’s just a few things I’ve learned along the way – take them, leave them, come back to them when you need them.  I love you little one!

1)   Haters gonna hate, Likers gonna like, Lovers gonna love – The good news is you get to choose which of these groups take up space in your head and your heart.  I highly recommend the Likers and the Lovers.  Keeping it short, surround yourself with people that make you feel happy.
2)   It’s not all about you – Before you get your feathers ruffled, hear me out on this one.  Everyone has their own “stuff” that drives their decisions, behaviors and actions every day.  We all have bad days.  If someone upsets you try to spend a few minutes understanding what might be happening in their world.  If they are really just assholes, don’t spend your precious moments plotting revenge.  (see bullet #1)
3)   Use your powers for good - You are blessed to have beauty, brains and a giant family that loves you.  Find a way to pay it forward when you can. 
4)   Take a back road once in awhile.  I promise you these next 4 years are going to fly by.  Don’t forget to take some quiet time to reflect on the good stuff and figure out the not so good stuff when it shows up.
5)   Take care of yourself - I’m not going to give you a lecture about your body being a “temple” and all that crap.  But I will say, a strong body and a strong mind are the best gifts you can give yourself.  Plus spare body parts are truly difficult to come by :)
6)    You will be a different person in 10 years – It’s probably best if you don’t document EVERY detail of becoming an adult on the Internet.  **Remember I have eyes in the back of my head so I can actually see you rolling your eyes right now.
7)   Be fearless and avoid regret as much as possible - This doesn’t mean you should go jump out of an airplane without a chute.  It does mean you shouldn’t be afraid to take chances to get what you want.  If it doesn’t work out it’s called a lesson.  Lessons are great if we can learn from them.
8)   Love yourself first so you can then love others - It’s the only way it really works. Trust me on this one.
9)   Go Play! - Being an adult isn’t optional any more, but being a grown up sure is!
10) Call your Mom - Yes, this one is a bit shameless, but I love you and I’m going to miss you a lot.

Ok, I think that’s about it for now.  I did write some similar advice to your brother in 2011 – I think he secretly listened :)Here it is in case there are some nuggets in there for you too.

My heart is bursting with pride at all you have already accomplished Kelsie Ann.  Get out there and make yourself a happy, happy, happy life!

